"Glowing Embers in a Dying Fire" is a profound tale of a bond; a
sisterhood that forms between two divided souls, Pashen and Valentina, where
they learn to shed the shame, release the burden, end the suffering that life
managed to dump in their laps and voyage together to become completely whole.
Their friendship endured; the embers remained ignited even when everyone gave
up and the world died around them in life’s fire.
Review: The bonds of
sisterhood and friendship
Friendship essentially involves a distinctive kind of
concern for your friend, a concern which might reasonably be understood as a
kind of love. Set in the late ‘80s Glowing Embers revolves around the lives of
two girls; Pashen and Valentina. For
most, starting your freshman year in high school is a joyous occasion but for Pashen and Valentina it marks the turmoil both of their lives encounter.
Pashen was an only child, she was the apple of her mother’s
eye and likewise she loved her mother with all her being. Alma however was lonely and begins to relate
with Bill. After marrying Bill, Pashen’s
life changes. Bill is unlike Alma and
Pashen, he is unlearned and abusive. His
growing disdain for Pashen and intellect reflects in his treatment of
Alma. Pashen endures the months to years
of turmoil stemming from neglect and seeing her mother belittled and abused;
mentally and physically.
Valentina is the youngest daughter born to her family. She is the delight of her parents. However her life takes a turn for the worst,
when her mother decides the life she wants is not the one she is living. Valentina
is an old soul, even in the midst of chaos she is the strength that propels her
family forward.
Through the bonds of friendship and sisterhood, Pashen and
Valentina triumph against the elements of hatred, jealousy and the many
obstacles life threw at them. Their
unity survived the fire. Glowing Embers
in a Dying Fire is a nostalgic tale of friendship and strength. At the end of the day, it reminds us of the
most precious thing in life. LOVE.
File Size: 656 KB
Print Length: 272 pagesSimultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Honorable Menchan Media and Peace in the Storm Publishing (March 13, 2014)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
ASIN: B00J07D4Q6
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